NEW MUSIC SATURDAY – Positronic – Surrender

Have I opened the review floodgates ? More emails and more great new music.

New from US Artist (Southern California) and dapper Sunglass wearer Positronic’s Michael McDannold – a bit of a preview as it’s not out to the end of the month to buy.

From Press Release;

“The new single SURRENDER from positive-focused electropop artist Positronic offers a moody and uplifting exploration of addiction. Musically reminiscent of foundational classic synthpop, Michael McDannold of Positronic strives to bring new creative energy to established retro sounds with this new single. A significantly personal song, Michael regularly performs live concerts to local AA groups and sees their real struggles with addiction. He offers, “What’s the song about? It’s only when we surrender to a higher power, that we can experience true freedom from our addiction.”

Sooooo, I got shades of Golden Era , early Erasure. Skittering cymbals, powerful drums and a solid arrangement. Vocals have a bit of a folk feel to it, Irish descendants. Big fan of that fuzzy synth lead.

Catchy and uplifting he’s spent a lot of time nailing those catchy harmonies.

No real previews so you’ll have to take my word for it but his older stuff is nicely retro-fitted synthpop.

Here is a release from February ’24 to give you an idea of where he is coming from.

3 thoughts on “NEW MUSIC SATURDAY – Positronic – Surrender”

  1. Getting some serious Erasure/OMD vibes without ripping them off! Thank you for the introduction!

  2. I am getting Runrig vibes with a more electronic base… Nice vocal play on the one track I tried… “Find Our Way”…

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